By Rod Brown
May 15, 20172 min
Update: The District Plan review
Council planners are slowly progressing a review of the whole plan and is are considering a partial change to activities based rather...
Cliff Mail
Nov 23, 20161 min
A plan for Kerikeri
This evening Vision Kerikeri Chaiman, Rod Brown, presented an overview of the issues that are critical to maintaining and enhancing the...
Rod Brown
Sep 24, 20163 min
Do we want Kerikeri and Waipapa Roads to resemble Mill Lane in the future?
The current effects-based District Plan does not define land uses in the Rural Production Zone which applies to most of the land outside...
By Rod Brown
Apr 13, 20165 min
Get to know your District Plan: Part 1
Some key points: The District Plan controls how we use our land and the impact that use has on our local environment. It is reviewed...