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Your donation will help us make the Far North including Kerikeri a better place for everyone!

Vision Kerikeri

Updated: Sep 14, 2022

The Far North Draft District Plan closes for public submissions on October 21st. It will set the policies and rules for planning in our district for at least the next 10 years.

Although the District Plan sounds boring, it is really important to all of us, because it sets the shape of future development in each area. It will affect everyone in the entire Far North for generations to come not just Kerikeri. We would like it to better protect and enhance the things that our communities value, such as:

  • Creating a better sense of place in our towns and rural areas

  • Reducing carbon emissions with safe cycleways and pedestrian-friendly town centres

  • Having well-designed housing developments, including affordable housing, in sensible locations

  • Protecting our natural environment and native wildlife

  • Improving access to waterways, creating more esplanade reserves

Do you think that the operative present District Plan has served us well?

The Draft District Plan is complex and we are fundraising to pay for professional experts to help us understand it and to translate community visions into planning guidelines which will reflect community needs and interests.

We have set up a give-a-little page to help fund this process. Your donation will help us make the Far North including Kerikeri a better place for everyone!

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