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Speed limit review: Kapiro Road is missing!

Updated: Jul 11, 2022

In 2017 Vision Kerikeri (VKK) wrote to the Far North District Council suggesting that the speed limit on Kapiro Road needed to be reduced. The reasoning is outlined in this article by Rod Brown published on this site in July 2017. A VKK representative met with Council representatives in August 2017 and resolved to follow up with a public meeting on the issue. However, there was no further response from Council despite notification to them that a meeting venue had been organised.

It was disappointing to see that Kapiro is not included in the current speed limit review recently announced by the Council. We hope that this is an oversight and have again written to them asking for the road to be included in the review.

I note that Auckland City is also proposing new speed limits. In relation to their review, I visited the Healthy Streets Alliance website that is promoting safer urban speed limits. While it is more focused on urban environments, the research on their site provide some helpful information on the impact of speed on death rates.

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