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Funding required to extend and finish the Wairoa Stream track to Campbell Lane

Wairoa Stream Track

The section of track represented by the red line on the track map (right) is now complete as far as the stream bank opposite Campbell Lane. The hope is that we can bridge the stream at this point allowing walkers to exit via Campbell Lane and return to town via footpath routes along the following lanes / roads (Campbell – Shepherd – Cobham) or (Campbell – Shepherd – Inlet – Pa).

We have already raised $5,500 towards the cost of the bridge, including some generous donations, but expect to need a further $6,000 to meet the full cost of the bridge to the current specifications. We were hoping to construct the bridge before the end of the coming summer but this will be dependent upon further donations and fund raising efforts.

The section of track that is already open (blue line on map) is being well patronised and we would expect the longer circular option and summer walking conditions to draw even more walkers. When complete, the walk from the Stone Store Basin to Campbell Lane will be 4.2km in length. One of our members operated an electronic counter during the less favourable winter walking conditions recorded an average of 330 walkers per week. These numbers were very pleasing given that the conditions were less than ideal.

If you would like to make a donation this can from this website (see donate button in right hand column of this page) or if you prefer to pay by another method, contact us via email.

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