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Wrapping up 2016

2016 has certainly been a memorable year with a big dose of the unexpected being dished up in the form of; election and referendum results, resignations and, while not unexpected, the death of a number of notable celebrities. There has also been the ongoing steady march of the predictable, in some cases seemingly picking up momentum, e.g., climate change. All of these things point to 2017 being just as tumultuous. Unfortunately, most of these things have implications beyond a specific calendar year.

For Vision Kerikeri; 2016 was the year we got a digital presence back in the form of; this website and Facebook, Neighbourly and Twitter pages. Following us on these mediums is a simple way to ensure that you don't miss any of our updates. Alternatively, sign up to receive our email updates if that is you preferred means of receiving information (see box on lower right hand side of this page).

Since March we have posted 46 articles onto the site and while we still have a few more weeks in which 2016 could dish up some more surprises (and visitors to read our articles), I thought it would be worth sharing the stories that grabbed the attention of Vision Kerikeri readers.

Some of the more recent articles have not had the same opportunity to garner page views as the earlier ones so it is not an entirely fair assessment of all of the content, but then what reviews are?

The article we posted on the Far North District Council elections was the top read. We posed questions to all the candidates and they responded. Their responses will remain on the site for you to peruse in the future. You can check in to see how those elected candidates are acting in relation to their pre-election positions.

Not far behind the election was our revisiting of a long held view of Vision Kerikeri that; the town needs to address traffic circulation, especially in the light of the continuing strong growth of population. The overall issue of Town Planning has been one of the most view groupings of content for the site, just behind the content and updates about our involvement in the Wairoa Stream Waterfall Projects. The first of these projects will be completed in the current summer so make sure you 'tune-in' for regular updates on opening dates.

The overall theme of 'the charm of Kerikeri' and how we preserve and enhance that has been a strong subject of interest that received a strong boost in late November with the public meeting held at St John Hall.

We will be continuing to bring you information on developments with these issues, and no doubt more, during 2017 and we look forward to your future visits to the site or our social media pages.

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